Adulting 101 Membership

Master adulting so you become a richer, hotter, savvier, balanced AF version of your bad self! 

Adulting 101 Membership

Master adulting so you become a richer, hotter, savvier, balanced AF version of your bad self! 



When your Adulting Ish is under control, your post-college years become THE BEST time of your life

Adulting 101 is a membership community for fresh-outta-college ladies who want to conquer adulting and live their best life
- With Boss Mom, Christi Lukasiak -

Do you always find yourself asking, “Why didn’t someone teach me this in school!?!”....


→ You're always worried about what that "right" next move is

→ You're struggling to understand how to manage money so you aren't living paycheck to paycheck and can actually set yourself up for the future

→ You're feeling lonely and lost in the real world without the college bubble of safety and fun

→ Trying to find balance between work, your social life, self-care and getting all the daily necessitates done can be a serious struggle

→ You feel like all these little things like setting up utilities, understanding interest rates and finding the right insurance are turning into ONE BIG STRESSFUL THING!


Graduating from college really didn't prepare us for the real world did it?!?! 


It's Not Your Fault That No One Taught You These Things!

That's why I created Adulting 101! I was lost in my 20's and I had to find everything out the hard way. I DON'T WANT THAT FOR YOU!!! Learn the keys to adulting so your 20's and EVERY decade after that can be a fulfilling, fun and ROCKIN SUCCESS


Money Honey

Learn how to start investing, budget without over-restricting yourself, and get the low down on taxes, 401K's and benefits! 

Becky Home-ecky

Nip all the little stuff in the bud, so you feel like an in-control-of-your-sh*t badass… who’s gluten free cupcakes are on fleek!

Like a Boss

Haven't found your path? Wishing you had more passion for what you do? I'll show you how to spot opportunities that can lead you to your right next move so you can love your job and make more money!

Out of Office

Now that you’ve got your work game going on, here’s where you don’t let it get in the way of making it to happy hour or flying to Tulum if that’s what tickles your fancy.

Case of the Feel Goods

Maintain mental health, physical health & life-long relationships. Here’s where we’ll make sure you’re feeling as awesome as possible.


Get the Skinny on Adulting 101

The one-stop-shop where you can get all your adulting questions answered. It’s like school for what school should have taught you — but didn’t. 

Fresh content delivered to ya, every single month!

Here’s what each month includes:

⭐️ Adulting 101 Video Trainings, taught by Christi! (value, $225) Receive a new featured training in one of the 5 adulting zones of genius every month: Money Honey, Becky Home-ecky, Like A Boss, Out of Office, or Case of the Feel Goods. Submit your Qs in advance and hop on live, to watch me rapid-fire through our community’s top questions about Masterclass topic. 

⭐️  Love Bombs (value, $50) Each Monday, a bite-sized nugget of info, helpful lists, cheatsheets & pop-up mini challenges here and there will drop on the A101 website, so you can get ahead faster!

BONUS Private Facebook Community (value, $697) Here’s where you make epic, awesome sisterhood-of-the-traveling-pants-kinda friends who are in this with you for the long haul. Plan virtual wine dates, and let your sisters  hold you accountable (no fighting over boys, plz).


Fresh content delivered to ya, every single month!
Here’s what each month includes:


⭐️ Adulting 101 Video Trainings, taught by Christi (value, $225) Receive a new featured training in one of the 5 adulting zones of genius every month: Money Honey, Becky Home-ecky, Like A Boss, Out of Office, or Case of the Feel Goods

⭐️ LIVE Monthly 10 Questions in 10 Minutes (value, $99) Ask me anything! Submit your Qs in advance and hop on live, to watch me rapid-fire through our community’s top 10 questions from that month.

⭐️ Monthly Mentor Weeks (value, $997) For one week each month, you’ll have access to a new mentor  who’s already far into her own Adulting journey. She’ll be hanging inside of the Facebook group to answer your questions and offer advice.

⭐️ That’s-a-Wrap! Podcast Parties (value, $50) Audio recaps from the month! We’ll also have guest experts pop on from time to time, telling us “how they did it.” The gems you’ll get out of their stories are PRICELESS.

⭐️ Friday Love Bombs (value, $50) Keep your eyes on your inbox! I’ll be sending bite-sized nuggets of info, helpful lists, cheatsheets & pop-up mini challenges here and there, so you can get ahead faster


BONUS Virtual Meet-ups (value, $75) Connect with the other ladies inside Adulting 101. Here’s where lifetime friendships are forged.
(a party every month!)

BONUS Dad’s Corner  (value, $99) My hubby, Marc, wins the award for the Best Girl-Dad. He’ a truly gifted and hilarious writer, and now YOU get his monthly advice in a special column, totally unique to the Adulting 101 community

BONUS Private Facebook Community (value, $697) Here’s where you make epic, awesome sisterhood-of-the-traveling-pants-kinda friends who are in this with you for the long haul. Plan virtual wine dates, and let your sisters  hold you accountable (no fighting over boys, plz).



Are You SOOO Ready To Rock Your 20s and Set Yourself Up for A Life of Happiness, Good Times and Financial Success?!!?


I can't WAIT to see you soon in Adulting 101! - XO Christi 

Join Adulting 101 Membership


That's only 70¢ per day

  • Adulting 101 Video Trainings, taught by Christi
  • Love Bombs
  • BONUS Virtual Meet-ups
  • BONUS Private Facebook Community
  • Cancel anytime, no questions asked, no hard feelings