Ready to Be A Money CEO? 

Learn to Achieve Your Financial Goals Now!


I’m Not A Mind Reader But...

…I know what you’re struggling with.


Let me know if any of these situations sound familiar:

  • You’re constantly stressed about money 
  • You feel lost when someone asks you about the way you manage your finances
  • You’re worried about rising inflation 
  • No matter how hard you work, your bank balance is still not what you want
  • You feel behind in life money-wise
  • You’re clueless about investing, saving and budgeting
  • You hate talking about money because it feels unnatural to you

If you feel that the statements I’ve mentioned above describe you perfectly, then you’re in the right place to find some real solutions. 

But first, let me just tell you that there are many more young capable women in the same boat as you. 

So take a deep breath. 

You’re not alone. 

Now, check out how you can get rid of all these problems and start a new chapter in your financial life.



How Would You Like To Live With Less Financial Stress? 

Won’t it be nice if you had enough savings to quit your mentally straining job? Or put a down payment on a house of your own in your 20s? 

Imagine getting all that and…

  • Easily manage budgets on a limited salary 
  • Know all the financial lingo that can help you understand bank documents 
  • Invest like a pro and earn a high interest rate
  • Confidently make good financial decisions 
  • Liberate your mind from limiting beliefs about money
  • Free yourself from constantly worrying about your finances

Achieving all that is THE DREAM for most people. And given my background in financial advising, I can help you realize this dream through my course called Be a Money CEO

Be A Money CEO.

A short course packed with financial wisdom to enable you to achieve your money goals early in life.

Get ready to bid farewell to your financial worries because this course will teach you to solve issues around investing, retirement funds, real estate, savings, credit, banking and more. 


Here’s what you’ll find inside the Be a Money CEO course:

The easiest explanations of how investing works along with why and when you should invest.

Workbooks to help you budget like a pro and see big changes in your bank statement from making small life changes. 

Guidance on turning your credit score around by understanding how it works and the steps you need to take to improve it.

Practical tips to change your money mindset and prepare yourself to achieve your goals like a queen.

What Is A Money CEO? 

A money CEO is someone who’s in charge of her money. She knows how to manage her finances while having a good time going out and splurging on herself.

Here’s what you can do as a Money CEO:

  • Budget and save without it restricting your lifestyle  
  • Decide where your money should be going
  • Invest in places that offer the maximum returns in the future
  • Switch your mindset about money
  • Live in abundance without being a millionaire (yet!) 
  • Eliminate money myths that might be stopping you from living your best life
  • Have fun while intelligently dealing with your finances
  • Understand all the critical information you need to know for your retirement account and 401K

You’re so close to achieving your goal of being in charge of your money and doing the things I’ve mentioned above.



Best Value

  • 4 detailed modules to help you understand how you can make money work for you. 
  • 4 downloadable workbooks to quickly increase your financial literacy on investing, retirement funds, real estate, savings, credit, banking and income terms. 
  • Practical guidance on budgeting without it restricting your lifestyle. 
  • Lessons on investing and the types of investments you can make at different stages of your life.  
  • Nuggets of wisdom on how you can change your mindset about money and take control of your finances. 
  • Rundown of how the credit score works and how you can build and improve it like a boss. 
  • Access to a private Facebook group with Christi
  • Lifetime access to the course content and workbooks.

Who Am I?

You won’t trust a football player to give you medical advice. So why should you trust a celebrity dance mom to teach you about finances?

I get that.

But I’m more than just a celebrity dance mom.

I wear many hats – financial advisor, former stockbroker, entrepreneur, and mom to name just a few.

And it’s the financial advising part of my life that qualifies me to talk to you about managing your money.

Also, I’ve been a young independent woman trying to make it on her own in this big world. So I know what you’re going through and what you’re struggling with.

I’ve had many ups and downs in my life. And each situation has taught me valuable lessons.

All my struggles had a big role in getting me to where I am today. But I won’t wish those on anyone.

That’s why I’m out here teaching Gen Z women how to take charge of their life and Be A Money CEO so that you don’t have to endure the challenges I had to overcome.

Read Through the Testimonials of My Students

“I found that Adulting 101 has not only prepared me for adult life, but also for the way I view life! Some days I could go on with a negative attitude over something that happened in the morning, but from everything I've learned through Adulting 101 and the community that surrounds it, life is so much more fun when you're looking at it with a positive smile on your face!!”

-Aleigh Grace

“Adulting 101 has been a fun and easy way to help me navigate the crazy world of adulting! It is connected me to a community of so many amazing people from different walks of life really just want to see each other succeed! The information is broken down into a format that is easy to understand for any learning type. Each unit really focuses on the core aspects of being an adult and all the odds and ends no one really talks to you about growing up. Since starting Adulting 101 I feel more confident in my abilities and even more independent than before!

Thank you so much Christi for all the hard work, effort, time, and dedication that you have put into Adulting 101! Your love and care for all of your cyber children really show and I cannot thank you enough for that! This is really something great and I'm so glad to be part of it!”

- Ashlyn Vitte

“Adulting 101 with Christie is the adult orientation program you have been missing. It's a community full of support and quick, bite-sized information and actionable to-do lists to get your life on track. Christi is very helpful and hands-on in guiding her cyber children through being an adult. She constantly reminds us there are no dumb questions.”

- Elizabeth Bartlett

“Adulting 101 is not only given me very useful tools for being out on my own for the first time, but it has also given me a new community that is so encouraging and uplifting!”

- Caroline Godfrey

“We live in such a negative world right now that comes with lots of pressure to be something we're not but this program has provided me a place where I can seek help and not be ashamed about it.”

- Tiffany Smallwood


What’s Financial Stability Worth to You?

$50? $100? $1,000? Or can you not put a price on it?  

Most people don’t have a number to give me when I ask them this question. That’s because they never think it’s actually possible. 

But what if it is? 

My course Be A Money CEO won’t give you financial stability overnight. But I’ll give you the tools to get you there. 

And before you’ll know it, you’ll be making smart investment decisions, budgeting like a pro, saving without a second thought, feeding your retirement fund and enjoying life to the fullest. 

Money is one of the top worries for people across the globe. 

I’m offering you a long term solution to get rid of that worry for a fraction of the price that you’ll have to pay to hire a financial advisor. 

So… what’s the holdup?

Still Not Sure if It’s
Worth The Investment?  

I understand that parting with your hard-earned money can be tough.

But you’ve got to decide what’s tougher; investing in this course today or living the rest of your life stressing over money and chasing quick money schemes.

Most people aren’t great at long-term thinking. And because of that, they end up missing out on wonderful opportunities.

You don’t want to be that because I know you’ve got goals of financial freedom.

And the best way to achieve those goals is to educate yourself on all things finances early in your life.

My course Be A Money CEO is an excellent resource for that.

Ready to make a decision? It’s only the question of your financial future so no pressure.