Ready to Let the New You Shine?

It’s Time to Transform Your Life!


Raise Your Hand If…   

… any of these statements describe your life right now:

You’re stressed more than you’d like to be and your life isn’t going the way you’d imagined

Your efforts to improve your lifestyle aren’t bearing fruit and you’re having a hard time making tough decisions

You don’t know where to start when it comes to achieving your dreams

You feel like you’re in the passenger seat of your own life and you’re looking for a map to help you figure it out.

Going through all of that is common,
especially while you’re young. 

But there’s light at the end of the dark tunnel you’re in right now. I promise. All you need is some direction to find your inner voice again and reset your mind. 

Lucky for you, the solution to all your issues is right here.


What Does It Mean to Transform Your Life?


Transforming your life means making changes to bring massive positive shifts in the quality of your daily life.


That includes decluttering your mind, switching up your decision-making process, finding your inner voice, and getting rid of anxiety and negative emotions to start with.


Keys To Unlocking Your Dream Life

My course called Keys to Unlocking Your Dream Life is all about transforming your life to become a better version of yourself.

Here’s what you’ll find in this 5-day workshop: 

  • Learn to reprogram your subconscious thoughts to gain unstoppable confidence. 
  • Figure out how to make the universal laws work in your favor. 
  • Distinguish between ego and intuition to express your true self. 
  • Find your unique human design and align your life to become the most authentic version of yourself.  
  • Understand what YOUR role is in creating the life you desire.

You’re just a click away from achieving all that and turning your life around.

Imagine Your Life With
the Universe on Your Side 

Having a friend in your corner is great. But having a super influential die-hard friend is even better. 

What if you can take it up a notch or two and get the entire UNIVERSE behind you? 

Think about it, won’t it be nice if you could: 

  • Leverage the universal laws to help you achieve your dreams 
  • Be your own champion instead of standing in the way of your success 
  • Block out anxious thoughts and look at the world in a positive light 
  • Take bold decisions and feel confident about them 
  • Listen to your gut instead of letting your ego take the wheel of your life

Well, you can do all that and more by working through the steps in my course called

Keys to Unlocking Your Dream Life.

Keys to Unlocking Your Dream Life

Transform Workshop


Two-Pay Plan

  • Access to the entire video series upon registration
  • Workbooks after each call with practical tips related to the lessons covered in the call
  • Two meditation sessions     
  • Lifetime access to a private Facebook group with Christi
  • Creating and interpreting your human design graph to help you understand yourself better 
  • Practice setting soul aligned goals
    ✨ 5 Biggest Blocks Webinar || Valued $249
    ✨ Crushing Your Goals Mini-Course || Valued $55
    Be A Money CEO Mini-Course || Valued $97

Transform Workshop


Full Payment

  • Access to the entire video series upon registration
  • Workbooks after each call with practical tips related to the lessons covered in the call
  • Two meditation sessions     
  • Lifetime access to a private Facebook group with Christi
  • Creating and interpreting your human design graph to help you understand yourself better 
  • Practice setting soul aligned goals
    ✨ 5 Biggest Blocks Webinar || Valued $249
    ✨ Crushing Your Goals Mini-Course || Valued $55
    Be A Money CEO Mini-Course || Valued $97

Who Am I?

I’m asking you to trust me to turn your life around. But for that, you need to trust me first. 

Hi, my name is Christi Lukasiak. 

If you Google my name, then you’ll find a few different versions. 

That’s because I’ve been many things in my life; financial advisor, professional stockbroker, TV personality, social media influencer, serial entrepreneur, and mother.

And that’s just from the part of my life that’s public. 

While going through the ups and downs of life, I’ve succeeded in achieving my goals many times but I’ve fallen flat on my face even more. 

Because of that, I’ve had to learn to pick myself up and dust myself off. 

And in doing so, I’ve found different tools that help me clear my mind and fix my perspective whenever I’m struggling. 

Now, I’ve gathered all those tools in one place and I want to share them with the Gen Z women who are dealing with the same challenges I had to go through. 

My mission is simple - to find your inner strength to live your best life and get the mental toughness you need to succeed. 

Care to come along for the ride?


Need More Convincing? 

Here’s What My Students Have to Say About My Previous Course

“I found that Adulting 101 has not only prepared me for adult life, but also for the way I view life! Some days I could go on with a negative attitude over something that happened in the morning, but from everything I've learned through Adulting 101 and the community that surrounds it, life is so much more fun when you're looking at it with a positive smile on your face!!”

Aleigh Grace

“Adulting 101 with Christie is the adult orientation program you have been missing. It's a community full of support and quick, bite-sized information and actionable to-do lists to get your life on track. Christi is very helpful and hands-on in guiding her cyber children through being an adult. She constantly reminds us there are no dumb questions.”

Elizabeth Bartlett

“Adulting 101 has been a fun and easy way to help me navigate the crazy world of adulting! It is connected me to a community of so many amazing people from different walks of life really just want to see each other succeed! The information is broken down into a format that is easy to understand for any learning type. Each unit really focuses on the core aspects of being an adult and all the odds and ends no one really talks to you about growing up. Since starting Adulting 101 I feel more confident in my abilities and even more independent than before!


Thank you so much Christi for all the hard work, effort, time, and dedication that you have put into Adulting 101! Your love and care for all of your cyber children really show and I cannot thank you enough for that! This is really something great and I'm so glad to be part of it!”

Ashlyn Vitte

“Adulting 101 is not only given me very useful tools for being out on my own for the first time, but it has also given me a new community that is so encouraging and uplifting!”

Caroline Godfrey

“We live in such a negative world right now that comes with lots of pressure to be something we're not but this program has provided me a place where I can seek help and not be ashamed about it.”

Tiffany Smallwood

Can You Keep Living This Way?

Honestly ask yourself if you can continue on the path you’re on now?

Are you okay with being anxious all the time? 

Is it cool with you that you can’t break free of your self-sabotaging behaviors? 

Can you continue with life knowing that you’re not living up to your full potential?

If your answers are no, then it’s time for you to take serious actions to make significant changes in your life. 

I’m a big believer in ‘good things come to those who WORK’. 

You can’t wait for things to fall in your lap or wish your way into a fulfilling life.

I can help you find your way and hone in on your authentic self through my course called Keys to Unlocking Your Dream Life

But for me to help you, you need to first help yourself and commit to improving your life. 

Ready to take the plunge?


What’s Holding You Back?

Why do you use the ready-made brownie mix to bake fudge brownies instead of doing it from scratch? 

Because it’s easier and quicker that way. Right? 

You make less of a mess when you use the boxed mix. 

You make fewer mistakes that way too because you’re not a professional baker.  

So when it comes to something as big as transforming your life and freeing your mind of limiting beliefs, why are you trying to do it all on your own? 

Wouldn't you like help from someone who’s been there and done that?

I’m offering you all the tools, methods, and approaches that have helped me transform my life into a virtual gift-wrapped box with a cute bow on top. 

You just have to be brave enough to want it. 

Are you ready to put in the work? 

Or are you going to waste some more time? It’s not like your life is slipping away or anything.